Conveyancing and Real Estate
DSA can assist your person, company, close corporation, or trust to become the registered and legal owner of immovable property and ensures that this ownership cannot be challenged. DSA also covers the process of the registration of mortgages and other rights. DSA recognizes that immovable property is very often a company’s or an individual’s most valuable investment and offers legal advice of the highest standard when it comes to all aspects of property law. This includes property sales and purchases, developments, finance and security, leases, transfers, the registration of mortgages and the execution of notarial bonds.
– Bond registrations
– Consolidations
– Drafting of deeds of sale (commercial and residential)
– Drafting of rental agreements (private and commercial)
– Drafting of development agreements
– Notarial practice and antenuptial contracts
– Property transfers (full title and sectional title)
– Sectional title developments and registrations
– Sub-divisions
– Township developments and registrations